Blue And Other Stories (English)

Author : Suniti Namjoshi
Illustrator : Nilima Sheikh

Five timeless stories from an internationally acclaimed fabulist and poet. Playful and gentle, they traverse layers of myth with ease to speak to readers of all ages. Well-known artist Nilima Sheikh's colours and delicate textures enhance the nuanced writing. This is the coming together of two fine minds to create a contemporary classic.

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Rs. 275.00

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Age 8+
Book Details 36 pages; 9" x 8"; full colour; soft cover
Rights sold English (Australia and New Zealand)
ISBN 978-93-5046-176-1
First Published 2012
Tags story collection, stories based on myth, Sunit Namjoshi's stories, Nilima Sheikh's art, fables, timeless stories

A precious kind of joy

Every story in this book is a benediction; there is a blessing planted deep within the words, and the tales evoke a precious kind of joy every time you read them... this book is a precious addition to a child’s imagination, or, more importantly, it examines the autonomous life of such an imagination.

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Blue And Other Stories (English)

Blue And Other Stories (English)

Five timeless stories from an internationally acclaimed fabulist and poet. Playful and gentle, they traverse layers of myth with ease to speak to readers of all ages. Well-known artist Nilima Sheikh's colours and delicate textures enhance the nuanced writing. This is the coming together of two fine minds to create a contemporary classic.

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