4 results have been found.

  • Rs. 135.00

    Mannu, Chandu, Anna and Akka are fed up of Hutoxi the horse — she snorts and scolds and spoils their fun. And then suddenly one day, Hutoxi disappears. Where has she gone? Will she never come back? The bossy-horsy fifth story in the ever popular series about Bahadur the baby elephant!

  • Rs. 135.00

    When Paytu the pig goes on a sugarcane walk with Amma the elephant and Hutoxi the horse, she asks Anna and Akka to look after her babies. But the two elephant teenagers get busy in a game of coconut-football... and the piglets disappear!The muddy-buddy fourth story in the ever popular series about Bahadur the baby elephant!

  • Rs. 135.00
    1 Review(s)

    Kapila Aunty is teaching the little chameleons how to change colour, one at a time. But Kamini gets excited and goes red, purple, green, yellow . . . she just can’t stop! The flashy-splashy third story in the ever popular series about Bahadur the baby elephant!

  • Rs. 135.00
    1 Review(s)

    Shanmugam the gentle lion does three things in a day. He eats, he sleeps, and he snores — khorhrhrh..... phshhew..... khorhrhrh..... phshhew..... One day, a tawny, brawny, nasty new lion comes to take over the jungle. The animals are afraid. They go to their king, Shanmugam — but he is, of course, sleeping! The roary-snory second story in the ever popular...