Arna Seal

Arna Seal is a practising sociologist, gender and education specialist, child rights and cultural activist, lyricist, author and story-teller. Working nationally and internationally as a freelance development consultant with funding organisations, NGOs, INGOs and research agencies, Arna also runs multiple co-founded learning, publishing and art organisations, namely Bondhu, Kelaza, Musiana and Aroho. She mentors, guides and facilitates life-skills and creative learning initiatives working primarily with children, youth and carers.

  • Rs. 175.00
    2 Review(s)

    Nyadosh the cow has a fierce gleam in her eyes and a furious appetite. She chomps on textbooks, feasts on frocks and devours anything blue in colour. But once she gets on the ilish fish trail, there's just no stopping her… This comical tale of a common cow with uncommon taste is one to relish. Nyadosh's extraordinary appetite unfolds through vivid photo...

  • Rs. 175.00
    4 Review(s)

    The very first words Zakir hears from his famous father, Allarakha, are bols — rhythms played out on tablas! From then on, bols sing and dance in his head, on Amma’s cheeks, on the pots and pans in the kitchen… Sandhya Rao follows these beats, stringing together little vignettes from his life. From a childhood around music to the highs of a performer who...

  • Rs. 150.00
    1 Review(s)

    Little Nonnu's world revolves around her goat, Appaka. Soft as cotton, Appaka loves to munch on jackfruit leaves and play with Nonnu and her friends. One day, Nonnu returns home from school to find Appaka missing! What will she do without her best friend? Set in Kerala, the story is full of evocative glimpses of a child's everyday life. The uplifting...

  • Rs. 135.00
    1 Review(s)

    Everyone has their own story of Gandhi. And in this book – that came out of a set of four large paintings – a Warli artist, an animation filmmaker and a storyteller collaborate to create a very visual Gandhi story. While the artist was inspired to paint Gandhi's life simply because “he was like us”, the curating of the visuals was inspired by the details...

  • Rs. 150.00
    1 Review(s)

    The first chaang, the first elephant, once had big eyes, Which the animals thought looked beautiful and wise. Then, along came a bird, a wagtail, and… Told in verse, this folktale from the Tai Phake people of India’s northeast is gentle and funny. It is one among their many animal stories about why and how something came to be – why the sun comes out when...

  • Rs. 175.00
    1 Review(s)

    It is hard not to notice Nabiya in English story classes. She listens so hard that she hardly blinks! Slowly, she begins to explore stories, delight in their words, pictures and funny moments. This story about a spirited young girl, who likes football as much as she likes storybooks that she is determined to learn to read. Using a collage of colours,...

  • Rs. 175.00
    1 Review(s)

    There was a time when happiness began to leak out of the world. Everything dried up. No colour, no food, no smiles – only hunger, sadness and quarrels. One old woman decided that something had to be done, and she heard from the wind about a magical fish that lived in a green-green lake... Told by a Gond storyteller and illustrated by a Gond artist, this...

  • Rs. 150.00
    3 Review(s)

    The Ningthou and Leima, king and queen of Manipur, rule well over their meeyam, their people. As the years roll by, it is time to decide who will succeed to the throne. The Ningthou and Leima desire that the throne go, not to the eldest son, but to the wisest, most able child. And so they hold a competition. Who wins the bout? This folktale from Manipur...

  • Rs. 150.00
    4 Review(s)

    Small noses catch small colds. Big noses catch big colds. Gajapati Kulapati the elephant has a big nose and catches a great, big, mighty cold! And what happens when he sneezes – Aaaaachoooo….? With repetitive sounds and words that roll rhythmically through the pages, this bestselling series about the adorable elephant puts the zing back into storytelling...

  • Rs. 120.00
    1 Review(s)

    Kunzang is a strange child of nature, with hair as wild and red as the rhododendrons she lives among. People say that one look from her crimson eyes can make wishes come true. She rides untroubled on her graceful kiang through Sikkim's Yumthang valley. But then, along comes the powerful king, Bhu-pen, who sees the kiang and wants it... A lyrical story...

  • Rs. 175.00
    3 Review(s)

    Nani has gone. Forever. WHERE? asks Nina. Her mother grapples with answers but Nina won’t stop asking. Finally, she finds her own answers, through the warmth of memories, the comfort of imagination – and a little bit of natural science! The light touch and tone of the story along with the quietly reflective pictures treat the difficult subject of the loss...

  • Rs. 165.00
    1 Review(s)

    Drums, cymbals, trumpets… It is the festive day of the Ratha Jatra at Puri and Pria wonders why the idols of Jagannatha, Subhadra and Balabhadra are unlike other gods. That’s how Jagannatha looked when he lived deep in the forest, her grandmother tells her. And so starts a story of Nilamadhaba, the secret god of the Sabaras. Central to this is the dynamic...

  • Rs. 175.00

    A little boy runs excitedly in the darkness, lit only by the light of a bright, bright moon. He is going with his mother and baby brother to the millet fields. As his mother works, he tries to make the most of the moonlit night with his newfound friend, a stray dog, while his brother sleeps... It takes an exceptional writer like Perumal Murugan to...

  • Rs. 150.00

    Aaaachooo! Gajapati Kulapati catches a big big cold. Kalabalooosh! Gajapati Kulapati splashes into the pond. Gurrburrroooom! Oh no, Gajapati Kulapati has tummy trouble. Kalicha Kulicha! Gajapati Kulapati dances in muddy puddles. But who is Gajapati Kulapati? Where did he come from? With the same jaunty sounds, familiar faces, lilting text and...