168 results have been found.

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  • Rs. 175.00
    1 Review(s)

    A one-of-a-kind book about Indian dinosaurs! Combining fact and fiction, it shows that dinosaurs didn't roam only in other, faraway places. They were very much part of the Indian landscape, millions of years ago. Join Sankar and Sandhya on their adventure as they find out about Indosuchus matleyi, Indosuchus raptorius, Rajasaurus narmadiensis and much...

  • Rs. 250.00
    1 Review(s)

    What happens when Valsa helps her Aunty Prima restore an old Ravi Varma painting? She finds out all about the artist and makes a friend from his paintings.

  • Rs. 250.00
    2 Review(s)

    When M.F. Husain loses his shoes, Jai offers to help find them. The two zoom in and out of his paintings, passing milestones in the artist's life

  • Rs. 250.00
    1 Review(s)

    Biswajit unwittingly discovers Jamini Roy's unique style of painting as he is drawn into a mystery to do with forging original works.

  • Rs. 250.00
    2 Review(s)

    Every time GRACE – City Auto for Hire No. SD 013422 hears the Blue River tune, she gets a funny feeling. What is the Blue River? Why does it affect her so deeply? What lies beyond it? One day Grace revs up her engine and sets out to find out. Encountering new worlds, creatures, ways of life, and languages, it is a journey with experiences that range from...

  • Rs. 195.00
    1 Review(s)

    The devas are at the gates of the asura kingdom, raring to wage war. But the asuras turn up unarmed and jolly! Is their king, Hasyasura, up to something? Does he have a secret weapon? Indra, king of the gods, is suspicious. Narada sends Hasya sura, the teen deva, as spy from the sky to uncover the plans of his almost-namesake down under. There, in the...

  • Rs. 265.00

    Ten-year-old Advik comes from the US to India, and what is meant to be a quiet visit is about to jolt him! Narada, the celestial messenger, drops by in the dead of night to ask for help on behalf of the gods. The truth he is to discover about himself will bring him face to face with the dreaded Harkasura and his hordes. What will he choose to do,...

  • Rs. 195.00
    1 Review(s)

    On a holiday in the jungles of Kalagarh, Gitanjali and her cousins experience elephant encounters of a very strange kind! A spine-tingling tale that is taut with mystery and tinged with Ranjit Lal's trademark humour.

  • Rs. 195.00

    It all begins when Vismay falls in love with a twice abandoned puppy in a San Francisco animal shelter. He brings him home, except he has no clue about how to raise this adorable, crazy pit bull-pointer he calls Cody. As his life is taken over by a hyperactive ball of energy, there is also lurking danger when Cody’s curiosity leads him to buried treasure!...

  • Rs. 235.00

    Ananya Patel has a penchant for make-up, right from her kindergarten days! Now a sprightly thirteen-year-old, her precious cosmetics accompany her all the way across from Wembley in the UK to Uttarakhand in India, as she changes schools. As though grappling with homesickness, the school bully and an anti-social friend are not enough, Ananya discovers she...

  • Rs. 275.00
    1 Review(s)

    Tired of life in Mumbai with his Chacha and Chachi, Arif runs away. He hops onto a train to Chennai, then smuggles himself onto a boat going to… the Andaman islands! Rich with adventure and humour, full of the wonders of nature, this book is also filled with details about the unique, misunderstood world of the Jarawa, a tribe in the Andamans whose very...

  • Rs. 295.00
    1 Review(s)

    The Chola ruler King Parthiban has a dream… he wants to make his empire the most powerful in the region. However, before he can do this, he is killed in battle. With the rising might of the Pallavas, how is his young son to fulfil this dream? A dramatic moment in history is recreated in this racy thriller by a master raconteur! With heart-stopping twists...

  • Rs. 265.00

    Tiana Singhal’s life has been floating along fine, especially with the plum internship in a well-known firm. And then, without warning, it catapults into chaos. She finds herself fleeing from she doesn’t know what and there are questions to her hazy past for which she must find answers. Who is the girl in her nightmare? Who is the stranger in the mirror?...

  • Rs. 135.00
    1 Review(s)

    A space adventure! One of Jupiter’s moons is going off orbit and calls out to Siril. So, with some help from the scientific genius of the Techno Sage, Aditi and friends build a spaceship, fix on anti-gravity pads, and zoom off to see what they can do to correct its path. A gripping sci-fi fantasy with some unusual insights. Are impossible friendships...

  • Rs. 135.00
    1 Review(s)

    Danger! That’s what the digital butterflies seem to spell out. There is a little boy, Otto, who has been snatching up words and making them disappear. Armed with Siril and Gardy’s own word-hoards and Monkeyji’s mind power, the adventurers go to Hong Kong – the city of dragons – to stop Otto and his platoon of crows from destroying the city. Does...

  • Rs. 135.00
    1 Review(s)

    Holiday plans for the adventurers go off track when a runaway computer programme, the naughty Mistress i, decides to hide with them. Hot on her heels is the scientist who created her, who threatens to put them in jail for kidnapping. And in the middle of all the commotion, Beautiful the Elephant is determined to become rational and logical. What do you do...

  • Rs. 195.00
    2 Review(s)

    Three days to go before a killer asteroid will end life on Earth! Everyone is in a panic. Everyone, that is, but Vanita, who has things to do. Such as saving the planet. She has a plan drawn up to the minutest detail. All pure science. With just a little help from fridge magnets, a little puppy – and a special ‘shrinking’ gift that she has. Manjula...

  • Rs. 165.00

    There are strange stories about the big forest at the edge of Arun’s house, and he has been told never to go there. But of course he MUST! So he slips away one day. It is like another world there, strange and beautiful. All is well until he breaks a “rule”… and has to face the fierce King Yaksha, spirit guardian of the forest, who gives him a very unusual...

  • Rs. 165.00

    A gang of robbers is cutting and stealing sandalwood trees from the forest near Arun’s house. Worse, the guardian of the forest, fierce King Yaksha, seems to have lost his powers and can’t stop them. Something must be done… and quickly. A thrilling sequel to The Forbidden Forest that sees young Arun come to the rescue with a smart plan!

  • Rs. 250.00
    2 Review(s)

    Mara, the boy with unique powers, rescues the special Chanva bird, and is set on the trail of the holder of a thousand spells, the elusive Chief Magician. He journeys to the sky kingdom of the North with his cheeky talking cows and his fearless new friend Shiroi, and everything is put to the test – from his fear of flying to his cooking skills! Magic...

  • Rs. 165.00

    A crocodile with no teeth?! Poor Grinder N Grater is old and has lost all his teeth. And he is sick of being laughed at by the other animals. And tired of being hungry. His little bird-friend Cheenchi Chiriya tries many replacements. But thorns are too sharp, pebbles are too smooth, and dinosaur teeth are too big or too small. And then she has an idea...

  • Rs. 385.00
    1 Review(s)

    A unique collection of stories from Kashmir that invites readers into the everyday lives of people. Their homes nestle amid jagged rocks and flowering valleys that inspire fear, love, and closeness with and respect for nature. It is a world filled with giving spirits, powerful snakes, enchanted saarangs… drawn from mythology, folklore and lived...

  • Rs. 195.00
    3 Review(s)

    Gundu and Keeri Humongoose are normal mongooses. They are hasty, they chatter with chirps or clicks, they eat rats… But then they do something that Do-First-Think-Later animals do not. They take a decision! To move out of the jungle! And so begins their adventure into the unknown… filled with danger from two-legged creatures. Funny and quirky, the story...

  • Rs. 135.00
    1 Review(s)

    On a visit to Australia, there is much excitement with hi-tech gadgets and journeys underwater and on dragonback. Only the elephant is worried — will she finally find her name?