71 results have been found.

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  • Rs. 195.00

    Whose colour is GREEN? asked the little boy.“It’s mine!” preened the parrot. “It’s mine! It’s mine!” babbled the bitter gourd.Whose colour is RED, YELLOW, BLUE…? The little boy doesn’t stop, and award-winning illustrator Nancy Raj creates for little readers a wild, whimsical world of colours! As bright hues jump and dance across the pages in this little...

  • Rs. 175.00
    1 Review(s)

    The first chaang, the first elephant, once had big eyes, Which the animals thought looked beautiful and wise. Then, along came a bird, a wagtail, and… Told in verse, this folktale from the Tai Phake people of India’s northeast is gentle and funny. It is one among their many animal stories about why and how something came to be – why the sun comes out when...

  • Rs. 195.00
    4 Review(s)

    Meet Mayil Ganeshan, 12 going on spirited 13, who finally has her chance to say all she wants – in her diary. But this is also an important step towards becoming 'Mayilwriter', to make up for all the stories she hasn't completed and the novel that didn't know where it was going. What she gives is a spontaneous, sensitive, honest, intimate and often...

  • Rs. 160.00
    1 Review(s)

    The five most venomous snake species can all be found in Australia’s Outback — and that’s where Jiyaa is headed on her first school camp since moving to Perth from Mumbai. Mom is NOT happy. Jiyaa is super-thrilled (though she’s trying to act cool).

  • Rs. 250.00
    2 Review(s)

    Every time GRACE – City Auto for Hire No. SD 013422 hears the Blue River tune, she gets a funny feeling. What is the Blue River? Why does it affect her so deeply? What lies beyond it? One day Grace revs up her engine and sets out to find out. Encountering new worlds, creatures, ways of life, and languages, it is a journey with experiences that range from...

  • Rs. 195.00
    4 Review(s)

    Not everyone has two grandfathers quite like Amol’s! From the way they look to the way they speak, the food they eat and the way they think, they couldn’t be more different. But both are “interested in everything, afraid of nothing and capable of anything”. And they dote on Amol. This comes with perks, but it also means that Amol has to indulge them their...

  • Rs. 165.00
    2 Review(s)

    Santosh travels alone from Mumbai, where he lives with his mother, to Kolkata, on holiday. He has secret plans to look for his father, whom he barely remembers. The train ride brings him into contact with people outside his sheltered world – a prelude to another, deeper, journey. With a light and honest touch, this book explores the emotional dilemma of a...

  • Rs. 195.00

    It all begins when Vismay falls in love with a twice abandoned puppy in a San Francisco animal shelter. He brings him home, except he has no clue about how to raise this adorable, crazy pit bull-pointer he calls Cody. As his life is taken over by a hyperactive ball of energy, there is also lurking danger when Cody’s curiosity leads him to buried treasure!...

  • Rs. 275.00
    1 Review(s)

    Tired of life in Mumbai with his Chacha and Chachi, Arif runs away. He hops onto a train to Chennai, then smuggles himself onto a boat going to… the Andaman islands! Rich with adventure and humour, full of the wonders of nature, this book is also filled with details about the unique, misunderstood world of the Jarawa, a tribe in the Andamans whose very...

  • Rs. 225.00
    1 Review(s)

    A summer holiday brings Murli to Mango Tree Lane – an elusive outsider in the neighbourhood of grouchy Colonel Sinha, tight-fisted Rice Aunty and the snoopy Aunty duo. Twelve-year-old Rini and her little brother Tootoo are intrigued by the new boy. But innocent games soon turn into menacing ones as the three of them begin venturing into territories once...

  • Rs. 165.00
    1 Review(s)

    When Advaita leaves Delhi for boarding school in Dehradun, she is lonely and unhappy. Then one day she hears that Ruskin Bond, whose books she devours, stays less than an hour away. Could it be true that the famous author is a real, living person, breathing the same Uttarakhand air as herself? Could she too become a writer? Unfolding with the pace of...

  • Rs. 195.00
    1 Review(s)

    Mayil is now perceptibly older, and wiser to a lot more things that make up teens. We see her as one of the Fake-inas friend-ing a cute senior on Facebook, as a superpowered Liyam Lonewolf, a Cinderella tripping over her ghagra at Pumpkin VS's party, and of course, as a further evolved Mayilwriter who wouldn't mind rapping too. In this second book of the...

  • Rs. 235.00
    2 Review(s)

    Mystic weaver, radical reformer, loved and hated equally in his time... The simple wisdom of Kabir’s famous dohas makes him one of the most frequently quoted poets even today. This novel traces one day in Kabir's life, from daybreak to midday to nightfall, threading fact, legend and poetry. Spare visuals before each section continue Kabir's favourite...

  • Rs. 200.00
    1 Review(s)

    In this alphabet symphony, imagination is unfettered and there's no need to play by the rules, except to get away from the ‘sullen, surly, sombre' use of language From A to zany Z, the 26 letters freely frolic in nonsense verse along with witty and refined illustrations. Funny and perceptive at once, this book is an invitation to a joyous, liberating and...

  • Rs. 165.00

    There are strange stories about the big forest at the edge of Arun’s house, and he has been told never to go there. But of course he MUST! So he slips away one day. It is like another world there, strange and beautiful. All is well until he breaks a “rule”… and has to face the fierce King Yaksha, spirit guardian of the forest, who gives him a very unusual...

  • Rs. 165.00

    A gang of robbers is cutting and stealing sandalwood trees from the forest near Arun’s house. Worse, the guardian of the forest, fierce King Yaksha, seems to have lost his powers and can’t stop them. Something must be done… and quickly. A thrilling sequel to The Forbidden Forest that sees young Arun come to the rescue with a smart plan!

  • Rs. 250.00
    2 Review(s)

    Mara, the boy with unique powers, rescues the special Chanva bird, and is set on the trail of the holder of a thousand spells, the elusive Chief Magician. He journeys to the sky kingdom of the North with his cheeky talking cows and his fearless new friend Shiroi, and everything is put to the test – from his fear of flying to his cooking skills! Magic...

  • Rs. 195.00
    3 Review(s)

    Gundu and Keeri Humongoose are normal mongooses. They are hasty, they chatter with chirps or clicks, they eat rats… But then they do something that Do-First-Think-Later animals do not. They take a decision! To move out of the jungle! And so begins their adventure into the unknown… filled with danger from two-legged creatures. Funny and quirky, the story...

  • Rs. 135.00
    1 Review(s)

    The environment is at risk! Gobby, the naughty little hobgoblin, is practising his magic and running amuck in Antarctica – turning the white snow black, giving stripes and spots to the penguins, and scrawling pink graffiti on the mountainsides. As Aditi and gang hasten to stop him, they find that the world is warming up dangerously, the snow is melting....

  • Rs. 150.00

    Lost in a flood in around 2500 BCE, Vanuvati is a doll with an enigmatic smile. She is discovered in 713 CE by Mariam, the sister of an Arab horse trader, only to disappear again. Centuries pass before three children in Gujarat uncover the figurine. Then, strange things start happening – flashing lights and sounds of digging at dead of night, and a...

  • Rs. 200.00

    Enemies have abducted Princess Mati’s parents. She and her brother Satya are secretly spirited away by the loyal Jaya Prabhasa. As they journey through a world they have never known in their sheltered existence, they acquire extraordinary skills to survive perilous forests and swamps. But are these sufficient to help them rescue their parents? This...