• Rs. 150.00
    2 Review(s)

    A hot summer day, an old man in dusty clothes who calls himself a maharaja, a little boy Munna who believes him, and a teashop full of people who don’t… With the familiar feel of a folktale, this delightful story keeps the reader guessing till the end! Going with the flavour, Deepa Balsavar chooses an illustrative style that’s “part folksy, part whimsy”,...

  • Rs. 195.00
    3 Review(s)

    Nani has gone. Forever. WHERE? asks Nina. Her mother grapples with answers but Nina won’t stop asking. Finally, she finds her own answers, through the warmth of memories, the comfort of imagination – and a little bit of natural science! The light touch and tone of the story along with the quietly reflective pictures treat the difficult subject of the loss...

  • Rs. 175.00
    3 Review(s)

    When Sun was out people did things, but when Moon appeared all they did was sleep! Moon isn’t happy – she too wants to be noticed. So from where the three seas meet at the tip of India she goes up to the mountains, ruffling up waters to announce her presence. But nothing helps. She then follows the advice of her ocean friends and works at what she is good...

  • Rs. 265.00
    3 Review(s)

    What do ancient fragments of cloth found in Egypt have to do with modern-day Gujarat? The answer starts with A — and sets us off through the alphabet, building with blocks of a very different kind! A for Ajrakh, B for Bagh, C for Chhipa… Each letter sparks off an aspect of block printing on textile, so that by Z for Zafran what we get is a fascinating...

  • Rs. 195.00
    3 Review(s)

    Lined up on a street are noisy motorbikes, honking cars, crowded buses, impatient autos... In their midst sits a queenly Maharani! At the heart of this funny little vignette is a cool-as-a-cucumber cow, an all too familiar character of an Indian streetscape. Nancy Raj’s full-of-life pictures bustle with detail and drama, capturing the bovine and the...

  • Rs. 160.00
    1 Review(s)

    The five most venomous snake species can all be found in Australia’s Outback — and that’s where Jiyaa is headed on her first school camp since moving to Perth from Mumbai. Mom is NOT happy. Jiyaa is super-thrilled (though she’s trying to act cool).

  • Rs. 295.00
    1 Review(s)

    A big, round and colourful Haathi Bhai is on his way... Adapted from the lively Gujarati rhyme, this English version doesn't miss a beat! Bright details and elements will keep little eyes busy with this sturdy, strikingly different board book.

  • Rs. 295.00
    1 Review(s)

    A wacky lot of numbers have the time of their life! This all-time favourite Punjabi rhyme has been adapted as a fun board book for toddlers who will love the bold, clear and colourful visuals as well.

  • Rs. 295.00
    1 Review(s)

    5, 4, 3, 2, 1... hot dosas for the family! An adaptation with all the fun and flavour of the much-loved traditional Tamil rhyme, with pictures inspired by wooden toys, makes this a deliciously attractive book for toddlers.

  • Rs. 325.00
    1 Review(s)

    Cheep-cheep, teep-teep, koo-koo, ghoo-ghoo... Colourful cut-out pictures and a world of sounds in this rhyme adapted from Gujarati makes this a must-have board book for tiny tots!

  • Rs. 185.00
    1 Review(s)

    On a trip to the Taj Mahal, Minnie secretly brings Pooni along though animals aren’t allowed in. But wait – the naughty cat slips off on her own adventure! After Where’s That Cat? Manjula Padmanabhan takes us on another Pooni chase, the drama this time set against the magnificent backdrop of the Taj Mahal. Enjoy a lively tour!

  • Rs. 195.00
    4 Review(s)

    Not everyone has two grandfathers quite like Amol’s! From the way they look to the way they speak, the food they eat and the way they think, they couldn’t be more different. But both are “interested in everything, afraid of nothing and capable of anything”. And they dote on Amol. This comes with perks, but it also means that Amol has to indulge them their...

  • Rs. 750.00
    7 Review(s)

    Superhero action carved on rocks... A headless statue... Royal inscriptions on pillars... Glass fragments from a lost city... These may sound like clips from a fantasy thriller, but are in fact objects unearthed at archaeological sites — and the stories they throw up are just as exciting! This visually vibrant book has an interdisciplinary approach that...

  • Rs. 165.00
    1 Review(s)

    Drums, cymbals, trumpets… It is the festive day of the Ratha Jatra at Puri and Pria wonders why the idols of Jagannatha, Subhadra and Balabhadra are unlike other gods. That’s how Jagannatha looked when he lived deep in the forest, her grandmother tells her. And so starts a story of Nilamadhaba, the secret god of the Sabaras. Central to this is the dynamic...

  • Rs. 135.00
    1 Review(s)

    Playtime on the terrace takes a turn when a strong wind sweeps Chhotu off his feet and carries him up and away to the clouds and the birds! The light and lively illustrations whirl us to the sky and back.

  • Rs. 150.00
    1 Review(s)

    A boy finds a little seed and plants it. What will grow out of it, he wonders — a tree, a butterfly, a mountain? Manjari Chakravarti’s evocative pictures soar with the child’s imagination, capturing the hope and anticipation and the small dose of reality! 2019: Jarul Book Award (shortlisted)

  • Rs. 195.00
    3 Review(s)

    Zai’s uncle is the famous 'birdman of India' Salim Ali, everyone in her family is a birding expert, and she herself can’t so much as identify the pipit sitting right under her nose. In this delightful portrait of childhood, Zai Whitaker recounts her early birding woes and how she winged it. Prabha Mallya’s pictures pick up the humour, and are an arresting...

  • Rs. 165.00
    3 Review(s)

    It lets you feel and find, climb and plunge, sail and savour and soar… all from your favourite spot. What can it be? Find out in the visually engaging, whimsical pages of this magical book!

  • Rs. 165.00
    2 Review(s)

    Mati pesters her grandmother and father for her own plot of land. When she does get it, she works hard. And then she hears that a company wants to make a coal mine in their village – the enormous black pit that will eat up all their lands, like it has in the next village… As always, Rinchin powers her questions through irresistible storytelling. The...

  • Rs. 175.00
    3 Review(s)

    “Tell me please: What is The Night?” asks a little girl of the earthworm, the owl, the firefly… Glowing out from the pages, their answers merge into a tapestry of the more mysterious sides of night-time and the curious habits of creatures that come to life in darkness. A breathtaking ‘nature facts’ book, in which striking visuals and punny verse...

  • Rs. 195.00
    4 Review(s)

    “We were late. We were running in the street. We had played in the river, and we had climbed trees...” Everything Amma had said NOT to do! Proiti Roy’s joyous pictures light up the bond between a boy and a dog. Woven into this story of everyday fun are sensory descriptions, and visual details like a walking stick in the boy’s hand or pocket, the dog...

  • Rs. 190.00
    2 Review(s)

    Everybody likes Adil Ali but nobody likes his shoes! They are old and worn, patched and sewn. So his friends decide to gift him a pair of shiny brown shoes for Eid. And then begins the problem – his old shoes won’t leave him! Rich in detail, Niloufer Wadia’s vivid water colour pictures make a bustling market come alive. Along with its sights and smells,...

  • Rs. 195.00
    2 Review(s)

    Three days to go before a killer asteroid will end life on Earth! Everyone is in a panic. Everyone, that is, but Vanita, who has things to do. Such as saving the planet. She has a plan drawn up to the minutest detail. All pure science. With just a little help from fridge magnets, a little puppy – and a special ‘shrinking’ gift that she has. Manjula...

  • Rs. 195.00
    4 Review(s)

    Soda is a dog who feels like a dog. Bonda is a cat who feels like a...? Dog! A quirky tale about two friends, which makes us think about who we are and how we see ourselves. Expressions, colours and textures work in perfect balance with the seemingly simple text to create a joyful portrait of a friendship that goes beyond appearances. 2019: Publishing...