• Rs. 175.00

    Where is Baba? Why is he not back yet? Jhupli is restless as evening sets in. Her father has gone into the dense jungle to gather honey and she is afraid. Because there are tigers in the forest. Because people sometimes go inside and never come out. Must Baba go in danger every day? Jhupli has an idea – honey boxes!Mood-filled pictures and text weave...

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    A little boy runs excitedly in the darkness, lit only by the light of a bright, bright moon. He is going with his mother and baby brother to the millet fields. As his mother works, he tries to make the most of the moonlit night with his newfound friend, a stray dog, while his brother sleeps... It takes an exceptional writer like Perumal Murugan to...

  • Rs. 150.00

    A dog suddenly appears on a street one day and decides to stay. So now he needs to be given a name. But he is too scrawny to be Laddoo, not furry enough to be Fluffy, and too much of a scaredy-dog to be Rambo... What do they call this dog? A warm and funny vignette of a typical Indian street with assorted people – and a friendly stray!

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    Aaaachooo! Gajapati Kulapati catches a big big cold. Kalabalooosh! Gajapati Kulapati splashes into the pond. Gurrburrroooom! Oh no, Gajapati Kulapati has tummy trouble. Kalicha Kulicha! Gajapati Kulapati dances in muddy puddles. But who is Gajapati Kulapati? Where did he come from? With the same jaunty sounds, familiar faces, lilting text and...

  • Rs. 175.00

    Soori loves to draw and paint. But where he lives now with his mother is a rundown neighbourhood, unclean, unsafe and completely colourless! He wants to move away, but knows they can’t. He wishes that colours would rain down and brighten the buildings. A few days later, Soori finds himself amidst painters, paint cans and brushes! What’s going on?...

  • Rs. 175.00

    Asha’s first trip in her colourful auto every morning is to the flower market, where she buys a big bag of jasmine buds. Follow her through the week and through the city, as she picks up and drops off passengers at the railway station, the beach, the cricket stadium… stringing and selling jasmine all the way. Vibrant pictures liven up the route and offer...

  • Rs. 175.00

    Ilham has a problem. Her Papa has given her a crisp fifty rupee note for her birthday, and she doesn’t know where to keep it absolutely safe. A pocket would be best, but her new frock doesn’t have one. So she runs to Salma Chachi the tailor to get a pocket stitched — but that leads to another problem. A charming little nugget of a story with the flavour...

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